Well, I can't say it was so interesting, but I'd stripped my old M110 280GE motor and needed it gone asap. After it rolled around the back of my truck & spilled oil everywhere, I decided to make the trek across town and give the motor to a local Mercedes dismantler I've used for over 20 years.
It's amazing the treasures they have, but this was a donation-type visit so I had to keep it quick. Of course, they were happy to take a nice motor if even just for the head, but these guys have always helped me out and are more in the friend category than anything else so I left with a vintage-correct Becker Grand Prix stereo that I'd wanted for years. It's not a very good radio actually, but it's what looks right in an older Mercedes!
Now I can organize the garage and finish assembling the powertrain in peace. I pulled out the pressure washer again to clean off the years of grease & dirt all over the engine bay. It's sort of amazing what a difference a bit of water can make. It's also much nicer to work on a clean car! All of the ignition & gasoline hardware is out now so that truck is just itchin' to have it's new motor. Where are those @#!! motor-mount arms??? Well... and the pilot bearing.... and the intake duct... and...
Sorry but no pics this time. Too much going on with Easter... the G will have to be patient until next week, sigh...
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